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Koh, Y., Iwasawa, N., Inoue, K., & Ohtsuki, T. (2024). Development and validation of a Japanese version of the Teachers Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 100726.
井上 和哉・新堂 光太郎・村松 穂香・林 幹浩・大月 友(2022).Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: ACT理解度テスト(ACT Check)の作成の試み 行動医学研究,27, 39-51.
※研究や教育目的、臨床で使用する場合には、著者への使用許諾は不要です。戸澤 杏奈・松永 美希・土屋 政雄・中山 真里子・熊野 宏昭 (2023). 日本語版Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討 認知行動療法研究, 49, 11-21.
原版は下記をご参照ください。Morimoto, H., Kishita, N., Kondo, H., Tanaka, N., Abe, Y., & Muto, T. (2023). Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the experiential avoidance in caregiving questionnaire (EACQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27, 160-169.
Losada, A., Márquez-González, M., Romero-Moreno, R., & López, J. (2014). Development and validation of the Experiential Avoidance in Caregiving Questionnaire (EACQ). Aging & Mental Health, 18(7), 897-904.
Morimoto, H., Kishita, N., Kondo, H., & Muto, T. (2023). Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Valued Living Questionnaire Adapted to Caregiving. Clinical Gerontologist, 46(4), 619-632.
Romero-Moreno, R., Gallego-Alberto, L., Márquez-González, M., & Losada, A. (2017). Psychometric properties of the Valued Living Questionnaire Adapted to Dementia Caregiving. Aging & Mental Health, 21(9), 983-990.
Takahashi, T., Saito, J., Fujino, M., Sato, M., & Kumano, H. (2022). The Validity and Reliability of the Short Form of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Japan. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 833381.
Bohlmeijer, E., Ten Klooster, P. M., Fledderus, M., Veehof, M., & Baer, R. (2011). Psychometric properties of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire in depressed adults and development of a short form. Assessment, 18(3), 308-320.
Sugiura, Y., Sato, A., Ito, Y., & Murakami, H. (2012). Development and validation of the Japanese version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. Mindfulness, 3, 85-94.
Baer, R. A., Smith, G. T., Hopkins, J., Krietemeyer, J., Toney, L. (2006). Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Assessment, 13, 27-45.
安野 広三・岩城 理恵・村上 匡史・藤本 晃嗣・田中 佑・早木 千絵・須藤 信行・細井 昌子 (2022). Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire日本語版 (CPAQ-J) の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討 慢性疼痛, 41, 83-90.
原版は下記を参照ください。McCraken, L. M., Vowles, K. E. & Eccleston, C. (2004). Acceptance of chronic pain: Component analysis and a revised assessment method. Pain, 107, 159-166.
Yamada, T., & Fujii, Y. (2020). Reliability and validity of the Japanese-version Parental Acceptance Questionnaire (6-PAQ). Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 42(4), 258-267.
Greene, R. L., Field, C. E., Fargo, J. D., & Twohig, M. P. (2015). Development and validation of the parental acceptance questionnaire (6-PAQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(3), 170-175.
Ishizu, K., Ohtsuki, T., Shimoda, Y., & Takahashi, F. (2020). Bon Voyage: Developing a scale for measuring value among younger populations and examining its reliability and validity. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 153-161.
土井 理美・横光 健吾・坂野 雄二(2014). Personal Values Questionnaire IIの内的整合性と妥当性の検証 行動療法研究, 40(1), 45-55.
土井 理美・坂野 朝子・武藤 崇・坂野 雄二. (2017). 日本語版 Valuing Questionnaire (VQ) の信頼性と妥当性の検証 行動療法研究, 43(1), 83-94.
Smout, M., Davies, M., Burns, N., & Christie, A. (2014). Development of the valuing questionnaire (VQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(3), 164-172.
齋藤 順一・柳原 茉美佳・嶋 大樹・岩田 彩香・本田 暉・大内 佑子・熊野 宏昭 (2017). 価値の明確化尺度の作成および信頼性と妥当性の検討 行動療法研究, 43, 15-26.
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Ishizu, K., Shimoda, Y., & Ohtsuki, T. (2014)
Developing the scale regarding psychological inflexibility in Japanese early adolescence.
Poster presented at 30th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu
Greco, L. A., Lambert, W., & Baer, R. A. (2008). Psychological inflexibility in childhood and adolescence: Development and evaluation of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth. Psychological Assessment, 20(2), 93–102.
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Gillanders, D. T., Bolderston, H., Bond, F. W., Dempster, M., Flaxman, P. E., Campbell, L., Kerr, S., Tansey, L., Ferenbach, C., Masley, S., Roach, L., Lloyd, J., May L., Clarke, S., & Remington, B. (2014). The development and initial validation of the cognitive fusion questionnaire. Behavior therapy, 45(1), 83-101.
嶋 大樹・柳原 茉美佳・川井 智理・熊野 宏昭 (2013). 日本語版Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II 7項目版の検討 日本心理学会第77回大会発表論文集, 271.
Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. M., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., Waltz, T., & Zettle, R. D. (2011). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II: A revised measure of psychological inflexibility and experiential avoidance. Behavior therapy, 42(4), 676-688.
木下 奈緒子・山本 哲也・嶋田 洋徳 (2008).日本語版Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II作成の試み 日本健康心理学会第21会大会発表論文集, 46.
AAQに関する詳しい情報につきましては、ACBSのウェブサイト上からご確認いただけます。伊井 俊貴 (2016). 漢字による脱フュージョンを使ったアクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピー――症例報告―― 行動療法研究, 42(3), 353-362.